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                      1.  Five Years (Rental)
                      2.  Lot Interment
                      3.  Exhumation


                      Burial Services

                        A.   Five Years (Rentals)

The La Loma Catholic Cemetery offer burial services for Five Years Section (Rentals) this includes the following:

Underground Niches

Brief Decription

Floating Niches

Brief Decription

Double FLoating Niches

Brief Decription

Bone Depositories

Brief Decription

                      Requirements for RENTAL section

                      (for New Rentals only)

                            Present only Original Documents of the following:

                            1.  Death Certificate or Certified True Copy (CTC)
                            2.  Burial Permit from Caloocan City since La Loma Catholic Cemetery is part of Caloocan
                            3.  Transfer Permit, if only if, the deceased died outside the Kalookan Area,
                                 and the family wanted to bury their deceased in LLCC
                            4.  Official Receipt of the Permits
                            5.  Prepare for the Rental Fee.
(see price list)

                              example:   If a deceased died in Manila and will be buried to Kalookan, the family should apply for the Transfer Permit
                                         from Manila City Hall
and apply for a Burial Permit to the Kalookan City Hall.

                      (for Renewals only)

                            1.  Make sure deceased is still buried on the cemetery
                            2.  It is suggested but not a requirement for the family to bring the Receipt that La Loma Cemetery
                                 released upon previous payment of the said transaction
                            3.  Prepare for the Rental Fee. (see price list)

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                        B.   Lot Interment

Lot Interment

Brief Decription
Construction for Mausuleom
Requirements Links

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                        C.   Exhumation

                          Exhumation for Five Years (Rental)

                                            Inside the Cemetery

                                            Outside the Cemetery

                          Exhumation for Usufruct Lot

                                            Inside the Cemetery

                                            Outside the Cemetery

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This Website is created by
James Erickson Ibasco
Home Address: 542 J.Marzan St., Sampaloc, Manila
Cellpone Numbe: 09184288769
Email me at